This little cutie is another one of my “Watch Me Grow” babies… you might (or might not!) recognize her from her newborn session a few months ago. She’s now over three months old, and has changed so much. Although her hair and her baby pudge remains much the same (yay!)

So the theme of this post takes its cue from the Sound of Music (one of the best movies… ever). A few of my favorite things…

* sweet baby girls in holiday dresses

* especially when they have absolutely amazing eyes

* wonderful little baby pudge

* little ones who are just starting to smile (have to include two of this one)

* babies under the Christmas tree (especially yummy in black and white)

And you might be able to guess what my absolute favorite thing is — babies in Santa hats. I just love them. Even (or especially?) when they’re crying.

Keep warm! Look for a big announcement to come later this week!

A just turned one, so her parents asked me to take some photos in a nearby playground for her one year session. She’s certainly a cutie — and her coloring is just gorgeous! As an Irish lass myself, I have always loved redheads. A also recently learned to walk. You’d never guess that it’s new to her… she was walking all over the place (including on the benches!) like she’d been doing it for years.

Her brother, F, also took part in the fun. Boy does he love to slide!

A couple more fun ones…

With mommy and daddy.

And the whole family.

What a fun session — thanks so much guys! And happy first birthday, A.

Since I announced with my last blog post that I am officially done with weddings for the season, I figure that it’s about time to update the blog with some of the many children and newborn sessions that I have also been photographing over the last few weeks. My apologies for taking so long to get these posts up — I promise I’ll be better from here on out! 

First up was the 1 year session for cute little A. He was such a charmer, and really knew how to work the camera. I had a great time playing around in the grass with him at his grandparents’ house. And my goodness, would you look at those cheeks and those toes? Such a doll.

Happy 1st birthday, A!

I really like this last one because it shows A with the little teddy bear that his parents photographed him with all throughout the first year of his life. I did the same thing with my little one, and it’s such a fun way to see how big they have grown — the teddy that looked so huge next to your newborn suddenly looks just about the perfect size for cuddling by your little 1 year old. 

Little A just turned one year old, and she certainly is a sweet little girl! I really enjoyed the photo session with her and her parents at the Allen Centennial Gardens last weekend.

A was always on the go, and was very interested in exploring the gardens.

One of my favorite things in the world: a baby with a hat!

I love one year sessions, because their faces are so expressive. A different look every minute!

Her mom brought along a chocolate cupcake in honor of her birthday, and that together with a cute pink “Sweet” onesie made for a wonderful photo opportunity. I had to make a collage, because there were so many of these photos that I LOVED. This is a girl who really loves chocolate… a girl after my own heart!

Happy 1st birthday, sweet little A!

A little while back, on a very bright and sunny summer day, I ventured out to the country for a photoshoot. This photoshoot had a few different purposes (family photos, 3 month photos, business headshot). Very varied, but fun. You might recognize the little girl from this session — or more likely, you might recognize her parents from this newborn session. It’s funny… since I’ve become a photographer, I find that I measure time not only by my own little guy’s growth and changes, but also by that of other children. I can’t believe it was already more than three months ago that I first met baby C, when she was just 6 days old. Where has the summer gone?

It was nice to see you all again, and to meet a couple more members of your family. Enjoy the rest of your summer! I hope little C starts to enjoy her stroller a bit more soon, so you can get out and have fun outside!

I had the best time shooting this session — the weather was gorgeous, little baby O was absolutely adorable and honored me with dozens of cute facial expressions, and his parents were so fun and happy to let me try out lots of different ideas during the shoot. If I had an idea that seemed a little weird (like suggesting that we carry a wicker basket through the park for a photo op down to by the stream), they went with it. I’m so happy they did, because the photo on the top of this post is officially one of my favorites ever

What I also loved about this session was how obvious it was that these parents are totally in love with their little boy. Very mellow and happy family. Really, they made my job easy.

We ended up using the basket a couple of times — until O decided that he’d rather eat it.

I thought this little series was fun — O was not a fan of the hat that his mommy tried to get him to wear, and made that quite clear.

Sweet moments between a baby boy and his parents.

By the end of the session, O was pretty tuckered out. He took a moment to relax in the grass. Good work, O! You were an excellent little model. It was truly a delight to meet all of you.

One more from yesterday that made me laugh when I saw it this morning. This look is priceless.

Even though my little guy is only a little over seven months old, it’s times like today that I realize how much he really has grown and changed already! This morning I photographed a tiny, sweet little baby boy who was about the same size T was when he was born. I’d sort of forgotten the sweet baby smell. And the funny little noises. And the cute little expressions. And their precious little feet. You were a doll, tiny baby, and it was a pleasure meeting you today!

I know probably everyone says that, but I mean it… I really do. And I was never really one to be all effusive about them before. Like, I wasn’t the type to track down second cousins of my third grade babysitter if I heard a rumor there was a munchkin around. But now… lately… I just love them. I love their chubby or not-so-chubby cheeks. I love their little clothes. I love watching them explore the world around them. And I LOVE their beautiful, expressive, wonder-filled eyes.

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to be asked to take some holiday pictures of two of the most adorable of adorable babies. I’ve only scratched the surface in my editing of the pictures from the day, and I am so delighted with these. Please enjoy the cuteness!